Exterior Lighting Photographs
November 5, 2010
Want to add a colorful twist to your neighborhood that will make your home stand out above the rest? This homeowner in Orange County, California used Color Kinetics Color Blast lights to light up the façade of his home adding elegant lighting to the architectural features of his home. The installation used 8 Color Kinetics Color Blast 12 lights with a power supply and the controller keypad.
The lights were placed approximately two feet in front of the house and were concealed from view with planter beds. The lights were spaced three feet apart and positioned upwards. The Color Blast 12 fixture can easily throw the colored light the distance of 30 feet which was required for this home. The lighting effects are controlled by a Color Kinetics iPlayer 2 and a controller keypad. Using this system the home owner will be able to choose different custom light shows that meet their desires. During the holidays they can change up the lighting effects to add to their festivities.
Modern Exterior light comes in Black or Satin Aluminum.